Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Dunia Anak: Mengenal Lumpuh Otak atau Cerebral Palsy (CP) Pad...

Dunia Anak: Mengenal Lumpuh Otak atau Cerebral Palsy (CP) Pad...: Cerebral palsy menurut artinya berasal dari kata cerebral atau cerebrum yang artinya otak, dan palsy artinya kekakuan. Dimana anak yang ...

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Dunia si Kecil: Cerebral Palsy

Dunia si Kecil: Cerebral Palsy: "Kali ini, kami akan membahas tentang Cerebral Palsy atau sering disingkat CP. Cerebral Palsy adalah sebuah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh gan..."

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

cerebral palsy

Pusat pelatihan, penyembuhan dan meditasi
PHQandA: Cerebral Palsy
Pesan 680

cerebral“Cerebral Palsy (lumpuh karena cedera otak) adalah kondisi yang ditandai dengan kontrol otot yang buruk, kejang, lumpuh, dan kelainan syaraf lainnya, yang diakibatkan oleh cedera otak yang muncul selama dalam kandungan, selama persalinan, atau setelah kelahiran atau sebelum usia 5 tahun. Cerebral Pasly bukan penyakit, dan tidak progresif. Bagian otak yang mengontrol gerak otot, sangat rentan terhadap cedera terutama pada bayi prematur dan sangat muda.


1. Kejang – disebabkan karena otot yang kaku dan lemah. kekakuan itu mempengaruhi seluruh lengan dan tungkai, biasanya pada tungkai, atau hanya pada salah satu sisi lengan dan tungkai. lengan dan tungkai yang menderita terhambat pertumbuhannya, kaku dan lemah.
2. Choreo athetoid – gerakan lengan, tungkai dan tubuh lambat, menggeliat dan tak terkontrol, namun bisa juga mendadak dan menyentak. Emosi yang kuat membuat gerakannya memburuk, namun tidur bisa menghilangkan gerakan itu.
3. Ataxic – kondisi ototnya buruk, muncul kelemahan otot dan gemetaran. Anak dengan gangguan kesehatan ini mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan gerakan pelahan ataupun cepat, jalannya sempoyongan, dengan kaki terentang lebar.
4. Gabungan – di mana 2 dari jenis gangguan di atas; yang paling sering gabungan antara spastic dan choreo athetoid.

Dalam semua jenis cerebral palsy, bicaranya sulit dimengerti karena anak ini mengalami kesulitan dalam mengontrol ototnya, termasuk otot bicaranya. Kebanyakan anak yang menderita cerebral palsy mempunyai cacat lain, seperti kecerdasan di bawah rata-rata, beberapa diantaranya menderita keterbelakangan mental parah. Namun 40% dari anak-anak ini mempunyai kecerdasan normal atau mendekati normal. Kira-kira 25%, paling sering yang menderita jenis spastic, menderita epilepsi (ayan).


1. Lakukan penyapuan umum 2 atau 3 kali.
2. Sapu cakra mahkota, dahi, ajna, belakang kepala, minor rahang, tenggorokan, tenggorokan sekunder dan seluruh kepala serta otak dengan seksama, menggunakan HMK berselang-seling dengan LMK.
3. Beri energi cakra mahkota, dahi, ajna dan tenggorokan dengan HMK, kemudian dengan lebih banyak LMK. Perbesar cakra-cakra itu.
4. Beri energi cakra minor belakang kepala, minor rahang, tenggorokan sekunder dengan HMK, kemudian lebih banyak LMK.
5. Sapu cakra jantung depan dan belakang. Beri energi HMK dan lebih banyak LMK pada cakra jantung belakang saja.
6. Sapu cakra solar-pleksus depan dan belakang. Beri energi putih pada cakra solar-pleksus depan.
7. Sapu cakra pusar, beri energi MMK.
8. Sapu cakra seks dan dasar dengan seksama dengan energi HMK berselang-seling dengan OMK, beri energi MMK.
9. Sapu lengan dan tungkai dengan HMK berselang-seling dengan OMK. Beri energi MMK pada cakra minor lengan dan tungkai
10. Stabilkan, putuskan energinya.
11. Ulang perawatan 3X dalam seminggu selama beberapa tahun.

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

story of stemcell in china

Stem Cell Treatment Center → Patient's Experience
Malika Lahouaria - Cerebral Palsy
NAME: Malika Lahouaria
SEX: Male
COUNTRY: Algeria
AGE: 7
DIAGNOSIS: Cerebral Palsy


At the age of 16 months, Malika experienced her first febrile convulsion. Malika spent 10 days in comatose state and later diagnosed with viral Encephalitis.

Malika's parents are seeking to better her life, and after extensive research into alternative treatments have decided to bring Malika to Beijing Puhua International hospital, and try it's extensive rehabilitation and stem cell treatment.

Condition before treatment:

After the initial brain damage, Malika was blind, stopped speaking and could no longer hold objects. Her development has slowed down significantly.

Over time Malika has regained some of her abilities, such as her vision and walking, however she still cannot speak and is fully dependant on her parent for assiatnce with all daily activities. Malika's cognitive functions suffered greatly due to her encephalitis.

Before the treatment, Malika could make some sounds, but did not speak words clearly nor formed sentences. Malika would not make eye contact with other people and was uncooperative. She exhibited a detached behavior, and seemed to not recognize her surrounding environment, including her parents.

Malika's attention spans were very limited, so could only focus on watching cartoons for a short while and for the most part, preferred walking around aimlessly. Malika screamed and cried often without any obvious reason.

Malika was also suffering from poor movements coordination. She tiptoed while walking.

Treatment method:

Stem cell implantation, activation of neural cells via a daily supply of neurotrophic factors, daily rehabilitation and occupational therapy sessions, and daily Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments.

After the treatment:

After the treatment, Malika's emotional functions have improved, she stopped crying without any reason and began smiling after the first stem cell implantation.

Malika was more responsive to surrounding stimulations and started making eye contact, and respond to her name. She seemed to understand and follow more instructions given by her parents and physiotherapists.

Malika's attention span has increased. She is now able to concentrate on performing different actions while undergoing rehabilitation trainings. After stem cell treatment, Malika was able to sit through a full session of occupational therapy, following the therapists' instructions, something she did not do ever in her life before the treatment.

Malika exhibits more interest in her surrounding environment and can actively grasp objects offered to her.

We were happy to see these improvements in Malika's condition and wish her to keep gaining new achievements. Her parents have decided to seek an extensive rehabilitation program in their native Algeria, in order to gain further improvements in her condition.

About Tiantan Puhua

Tiantan Puhua International Hospitals and clinics were founded in 1995 in order to provide excellent neurological and neurosurgical care with an international setting in Beijing. Since then, we have expanded rapidly to become Beijing's leading full service hospital, adding new medical services each year to better serve our patients needs.

Beijing Tiantan Puhua International Hospital provides patients from all over the world with advanced stem cell procedures and treatments in Asia's top neurological and neurosurgical hospital. We treat patients of all ages and at early to advanced stages of their condition.

The hospital was initially started by the American Pacific Medical Group (APMG), which is a leading medical service provider founded by 35 United States physicians and surgeons in 1992, as well as Tiantan Hospital, China's leading neuroscience hospital and the WHO training center for neurology and neurosurgery in China.

Since 2005 the hospital and clinic has operated independently as an international center of excellence for residents and visitors to Beijing. Stem cell treatment can be used to improve a patient's symptoms, increase mobility and independence, decrease pain and normalize body function. It can also be used a means of halting the progression of a degenerative condition such as Parkinson's disease, Batten disease, ALS, MSA, Multiple Sclerosis, and many more.

Every patient at the stem cell treatment center of Tiantan Puhua International Hospital has a team of doctors treating them to be sure to receive the most complete and comprehensive medical care available anywhere.

We also have a team of stem cell scientists and technicians conducting research on the clinical use of neural stem cells and bone marrow derived Mesenchymal stem cells at our own stem cell lab, to improve our stem cell treatment procedures.

When it comes to the latest in stem cell healthcare, Tiantan Puhua Hospital doctors have developed a number of unprecedented and world leading stem cell treatment programs including 'Self stem cells Activation and Proliferation Program', neural stem cells implantation by Sterotacxios technique and Spinal Cord Stem Cell Injections.

Every patient at Tiantan Puhua has a team of doctors treating them from different departments to be sure to receive the most complete and comprehensive medical care available anywhere.

From your first communication with us, through your carefully considered medical treatment plan, to the top staff, international-level care, our extremely pleasant surroundings, and our total focus on a better quality of life for you, we are sure Tiantan Puhua Hospital will bring you an altogether positive experience.

Please contact us today for more information and to discuss your situation with our caring staff.

Beijing Tiantan Puhua Hospital
12 Tiantan Nanli
Beijing, 100050
People's Republic of China
Tel: +86-10-6703-5566 – ext. 532 / 335 Fax: 86-10-67061799

My Date with a Vampire *MV* Memories of Tinyao (況天佑) and Siu Ling (馬小玲)

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Obat Radang Otak | Sembuh: Kandungan Tahitian Noni Juice

Obat Radang Otak | Sembuh: Kandungan Tahitian Noni Juice: "TAHITIAN NONI JUICE mengandung 89% Sari buah murni Noni (Morinda Citrifolia) ditambah dengan 11% Anggur dan Blueberry, tidak menggunakan ba..."

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

story of stemcell in china

NAME: David Albadr Trabanino
SEX: Male
AGE: 8 months
DIAGNOSIS: Cerebral palsy
COUNTRY: Guatemala
Days at our hospital: 35

David��s mother became pregnant when she was 30 years old, and during the 34th week of the pregnancy, the fetus��s movements were observed to be abnormal. David��s mother underwent a caesarian section for both of her sons. David��s weight was 6Kg and his height was 51cm. The Apgar score was 7-8 points. David had difficulty with breathing because of an oxygen deficit. He was received by the department of pediatrics and his hypoxic symptoms were alleviated. When David was one month old, his mother noticed some differences between him and his twin brother. David��s eyesight was poor and he had difficulty following objects. Also, the movement in his limbs was limited, as was his sucking movement and swallowing ability. He required 40-60his food minutes to eat .

The MRI examination showed immense pathological changes in the cortex, affecting both the parietal and occipital lobes. This was thought to be the result of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and appropriate rehabilitation treatment was suggested. Soon after, David was presented with muscle tonic contractions in all four limbs and these seizures occurred several times each day. David was put on Oxcarbazepine for the treatment, which proved to be effective and the frequency of the seizures decreased. David also experienced food reflux and hiccups for about 2 months, then his family fed him a special type of mild powder and both the food reflux and hiccups were alleviated. Although during that time, David was constipated.

Presently, David is 8 months old and his mental development lags behind other children his age. His eyesight is poor and he has difficulty pronouncing double syllable words, is unable to turn over, sit up independently, crawl or raise his head. The muscle strength of all four limbs is weak, with the left limbs being weaker.

When David��s parents researched stem cell therapy on the internet, they found that Wu Stem Cells Medical Center is the best option for stem cell treatment in China. After consulting with their family doctor, the decision was made to come to our medical center for treatment of David��s symptoms.

Before the start of the comprehensive stem cell treatment, we gave David a complete examination, and he was diagnosed with Cerebral palsy. Then we administered the stem cells transplantation and stem cells activation treatment to repair the damage to the neurons. David received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons and to give nourishment to the neurons. He was also given daily physical rehabilitation training.

David��s current condition has shown good improvement. His height has increased by 3cm and his weight has increased by 0.5kg. At present his height is 70cm and his weight is 8Kg. The activity of the left upper limb is more flexible than before. Occasionally, David can hold the feeding bottle with both hands and feed from it. He can raise his head for a longer period of time as well.

china stem cells medical center © All rights reserved
#198 Fengbao Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, 100070, People, s Republic of China
doctors@stemcellshezhong.com 51.la 专业、免费、强健的访问统计